Mr. Hattori has broad experience in patent practices both in Japan and the United States. He focuses his practice on opinion, licensing and litigation matters, and also works as an expert witness in many U.S. litigations on issues relating to Japanese/U.S. patent practices.
Mr. Hattori is extremely active in writing and lecturing in Japan and in the United States on the Japanese and U.S. Constitutions and patent systems and their differences. He has authored many books and articles on U.S. patent law, patent litigation and the federal court system. Mr. Hattori is a noted speaker, having made presentations at Japanese Patent Office, Tokyo IP High Court, the Japan Patent Attorneys Association, the Japanese Intellectual Property Association and the Japan Institute for Promoting Invention and Innovation, as well as numerous colleges and universities both in Japan and the U.S.
Mr. Hattori was the first Japanese Benrishi (patent agent) to become a patent attorney registered at the U.S.P.T.O. Additionally, Mr. Hattori is a visiting professor at Tokyo City University and was at Tokyo Medical & Dental University.
Prior to entering the private sector, Mr. Hattori spent over 15 years as an examiner and two years as member of the Board of Appeals at the Japan Patent Office. Mr. Hattori was also a member of the Policy Planning Division of the Japanese Ministry of International Trade and Industry (now, METI).
Mr. Hattori plays and teaches tennis and golf, and also enjoys skiing.